Monday, October 28, 2013

Drawbacks of Blogging

     I'm going to be honest I really don't like blogging so finding 5 easy drawbacks is probably a piece of cake for me.  Between having to maintain and look at it constantly it gets really annoying to read if someone has something idiotic to say as well.  Not saying everything is stupid but sometimes I can lose a few brain cells reading something.
     Number 1 would yes, have to do with the fact that sometimes I would get a person that has something that doesn't make sense and you want them to be quiet.  This happens but it is best to deal with it in a civilized manner.  You can in turn block them for annoying you or you can find them and punch them, preferably the former.
     Next would have to be maintenance on the blog.  If you have a particularly busy blog, tons of people can be on it doing stupid things.  Or on another shoe there can be issues with the site and you have to reboot the entire thing which can be a big waste of yours and everyone Else's time.
     Thirdly I don't really like the very cut-and-paste way that they do these generic blogs.  I feel like even though they offer some way to change it, there should be more innovation so it isn't a giant eyesore.  If I have to look at this every day I want it to at least look pretty.  There's nothing wrong with pretty right?
     Fourth, the fact that since this is the internet, you are considered wrong by everyone.  It's true that everyone on the internet feels the need to act like a 11 year old saying nasty things in the comments.  I think that since it is MY blog I believe my opinions are my own and I wouldn't like other people saying nasty things about my mother to me.  After a while it does get old anyway.
     Lastly the privacy is sort of an issue for me.  The fact that pretty much anyone can get to the blog is kinda weird.  Say if I don't know someone and they stop by they can do some pretty weird stuff before I notice it.  Also it doesn't help that I enjoy my privacy as much as the next guy.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Linuxator

     Linus Torvalds, he was the person to create the Linux Kernel which is one of the biggest steps in modern computing history. Being born on December 28, 1969 in Finland he was named after famed Nobel Prize Winner Linus Pauling. He was a minority in Finland as he was Swedish which consisted of 5.5% of it's population at the time.
     Torvalds attended at the time the University of Helsinki between 1988 and 1996 where he acquired a master's degree in computer science. His education got derailed in 1989 as he signed up for Officer Training School as it is required in Finland to fulfill the requirement.
He has been a programmer ever since College in 1988 while he was getting his degree in computer science at his school.  He worked in California as a programmer in 1997 until about June 2003 where he would move on to pursue other things.
Linux is a program in code that enables electronic devices to run the code so they work.  While it not the only code that is out there it is very variable and easy to customize.
Linux was created on September 17, 1991 as an easy way to use code to program things that any user could add to, as to increase productivity using it.  It has been updated since then and as of this date the last release is at build 3.11.6 on October 18th.  You can commonly find that it is updated frequently and has sizable updates to it as well.  People who tend to use Linux either  in the development sense of it or are consumers as it is in many devices that we use.  Such examples are Apple products and many computer systems.
     As for the differences between Linux and Windows there are a couple of key ones.  For one the file structure is completely different on the Linux and there are no registry's on the Linux as well. This means there is no centralized database that needs cleaning on a Linux.  Another big one is that on a Windows the interface barely changed while in Linux you can customize it to anything.